Did you forget your password again?

Did you forget your password again?

Are you struggling with managing passwords for various applications and online platforms? Do you use the same password for all your accounts? You are not alone. Millions face this issue every day.

Solve your struggles today and try Keeper!
Book your free demo or keep reading to find out more.

Keeper Security and Rheintec will simplify your life and secure your passwords.

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The Problem with Passwords

Different platforms and services have different password requirements. Most users struggle or don’t even know how to create strong passwords, and even if they do – how realistic is it to memorize so many of them?

Some examples:

  • Lengthy passwords (12+ characters)
  • Frequent changes (quarterly or more)
  • Complexity (special characters, upper/lowercase letters, numbers)

But what’s the alternative?

Get to Know Password Managers and Privileged Access Management

How Password Managers Work and Their Security Benefits

Password managers store your passwords in a secure, cloud-based vault which is accessible from any of your devices. You simply need to remember a master password to manage your data. The password manager uses strong encryption to protect against data breaches, ransomware, and other cyberattacks.

Key Features to Look For in a Password Manager

  • Zero-Knowledge Encryption: Ensures data security even if the service is compromised.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meets standards like FedRAMP, GDPR, and PCI DSS for robust security.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly across various devices and operating systems.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adds extra security by requiring additional verification steps.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Offers different plans and features like dark web monitoring and secure messaging.

Key Takeaways:

  • One Password to Remember: Access all passwords with a single master password.
  • Apps and Extensions: Comprehensive systems that work across platforms.
  • Disable Auto Form-Filling: Avoid security risks by disabling automatic form submissions.

Rheintec and Keeper Security: A Partnership for Enhanced Security

Are your employees struggling with password management and privileged access management too? Keeper Security, in partnership with Rheintec, offers simplification, ease of use, and state-of-the-art protection. Cybersecurity begins with protecting your passwords, credentials, and secrets.

What is Keeper Security?

Keeper Security is a leading cybersecurity platform specializing in password management and privileged access management. It protects users and businesses, increasing password security and preventing data breaches while enhancing productivity.

Why Choose Keeper Security with Rheintec?

Whether your business has 5 or 50,000 employees, Rheintec has you covered with Keeper. With packages featuring BreachWatch, One-Time Share, and KeeperFill, we meet diverse needs. Rheintec, as a cybersecurity provider, uses Keeper in-house. It is our preferred solution for privileged access management (PAM) as well as a password manager.

Despite its high-level security, Keeper is cost-effective. The price of one less coffee per month is sufficient to get you started with Keeper, ensuring peace of mind with your passwords.

Key Features and Benefits:

Keeper Password Manager:

  • Safeguards against ransomware attacks.
  • Quick setup saves time and money.
  • Provides security insights and compliance support.


  • Reduces attack surfaces.
  • Manages privileged accounts and sessions.
  • Integrates secrets management and single sign-on (SSO).

Partner with Rheintec for Enhanced Security

As a trusted IT security company, Rheintec partners with Keeper Security to offer top-notch cybersecurity solutions. Our experts are ready to help you implement and manage Keeper’s tools, ensuring your business remains protected.

Ready to Secure Your Business?

Strengthen your cybersecurity with Keeper Security and Rheintec. Book a demo meeting and safeguard your data today.